How to stop comparing to others using my easy tips

Blonde woman using iphone sitting on a chair

Did you know that when you are comparing yourself to others, you are actually comparing their best state (what they are choosing to project) against your worst possible state (when you are being hard on yourself.) This is just not a fair comparison.

What is far more productive?

Looking at how far YOU have come. This is 100% more motivational and will propel you forwards.

Acceptance that there will be some days when progress feels slow, or even going backwards, is also needed. Did you realise that it’s the same for everyone but you often don’t see it. This is because people keep these things hidden from view in more difficult times.

Prompts to help you stop comparing to others and stay focussed on your own journey

When have I come across a day or time like this before?

How did I get through it?

What helped me?

What didn’t work so well?

What have I learned that I can now take forward?

Trust yourself that you have the answers inside without comparing to others.

What else can I do to stop comparing?

Be aware of your triggers. Are there certain people that you know will cause you to feel this way, for example?

Limit your time on social media and focus on posting your own content. Create rather than consume.

Give yourself a break and get outside in nature. Movement helps with resetting our thinking process and letting go of negative thoughts.

Further Information and Reading

Published by AbiJane

Personal Development Life Coach and Career Coach

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